Pearl Jam es una de mis bandas favoritas y Jeremy es tambien una de mis canciones favoritas y a la vez uno de mis videos favoritos. Como dirian algunos estupidos locutores de radio, les dejo esta "bonita" cancion para esta bonita tarde jeje. PEARL JAM - JEREMY (MTV UNPLUGGED) <br> at home // drawing pictures // of mountain tops // with him on top // lemon yellow sun // arms raised in a V // dead lay in pools of maroon below daddy didn't give attention // to the fact that mommy didn't care // king jeremy the wicked // ruled his world Jeremy spoke in class today // Jeremy spoke in class today clearly I remember // pickin' on the boy // seemed a harmless little fuck // but we unleashed a lion // gnashed his teeth // and bit the recessed lady's breast how could I forget // he hit me with a surprise left // my jaw left hurtin // dropped wide open // just like the day // l...
El lugar donde mis ideas y opiniones encuentran el descanso eterno.