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Bien, tras nuestra ultima platica no se si vayas a leer esto o como dices no se si te importe o no, solo necesito decir que me caga (y mucho) que la gente crea saber que es lo que estoy pensando.

Me molesta mucho que la gente pretenda hacer como que me conoce mejor que yo porque nadie puede conocer a otra persona mejor que ella misma ¿No lo crees asi?...

Este si es un post con dedicatoria, perdon por los que no saben a que me refiero pero la persona a la que va si sabe de que estoy hablando.

Saludos a todos!!

Ok, after the last chat we had I don't know if you'll be reading this or not or if you really don't give a damn about it. Just wanted to tell you that it really, really pisses me off when people pretends to know what's going on in my mind.

It really bothers me when people acts as if they know me bether than I do, because nobody can know another person better than him or herself, ¿don't you agree with that?...

So this post goes with a dedication. I apollogize to those who don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm positive than the person who this dedication goes to knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Greetings and best regards to everybody!


  1. Brother

    Dud!!! I Should say that I don't have any fucking Idea about what are you talking about???

    I also wonder why is in English your post?

    Brother, sometimes the people who is looking into your feelings (like looking into your soul) is only trying to be close to you (Do we are talking about a girl Isn't?).

    Just think about It.

    B. Regards

  2. ps, la neta no se de kien hablas, pero, concuerdo con que nadie te conoce mejor que tu, talvez sepan cosas de ti que tu no sabes, pero conocerte mejor, eso no.

    bye the way, i did not know that you spoke english, or did you just typed the whole thing in lingo, or google transl?.


  3. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! a taker le gusta una gringa...! o una inglesa...! o tal vez una maestra de Inglés...quizá la que tuvo en la primaria!!!!!! yyyyyyyyyyyyy!
    Tengo una frase de una canción: "Quién va a decir que me conoce...y pondrá sus manos al fuego para quemarse hasta el recuerdo"
    saludos! y suerte con tu musa...!

  4. haha somebody is jeaulos about your english, pal...

    Come on, don't give a damn... sometimes, that kind of people screw your head till it hurts...


  5. LALO:
    What's up, bro. Exactly, we're talking about a girl. The post it's in english because it seems like she forgot haow to cummunicate in Spanish or maybe she thinks I'll have trouble reading in English. I don't know what to think of it.

    Anyway, frankly, I don't think there's much I need to think about.

    Greetings and thanks!!
    Pues en teoria de eso se trata, la persona a la que va seguramente sabra a que me refiero. Y si, nadie puede conocerme mejor que yo.

    Well, now you know. And no, I didn't use the google translator or any other similar app, because all of 'em spit out crappy translations.

    Come on, there's really no reason at all to say goodbye to your way, it's not a good way, but it's your way.

    No Misha...

    1. No me gusta, 2. No es gringa, 3. Que yo sepa no es maestra, 4. Su ingles no es tan bueno y 5. No es mi musa (que negativo soy me cae).

    Por cierto, ¿quien canta esa cancion? :D

    Somebody is jealous? Who could that be? Haha!!

    Actually I don't care about that and you know why that is.

    Nobody screws with my head :D

    Best regards!!

  6. Bastante negativo..jajajaa
    La canta Silvio Rodriguez y se llama...:Derecho Humano...

  7. MISHA:
    SIp, bastante :D

    Ahora ya lo se... Tx.



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