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La unica banda uruguaya que conozco, o quiza deberia decir que conocia porque ahora que entre a su sitio me encontre con la sorpresa de que la banda esta ahora desintegrada. Tras 9 años y 4 discos Sordromo decidio separarse.

Esta cancion es de su ultimo disco, titulado "Los Amigos Invisibles", editado en 2004 por Bizarro Records.

A decir verdad yo conoci a esta banda hace un par de años, sin embargo ademas de este disco he podido escuchar algunas canciones de sus anteriores discos y la banda me parecia muy buena.

Entre las novedades que encontre en el sitio es que este disco se puede comprar en linea en Mexico a traves de Indielife... estoy tentado. $170 pesos sin cargo (que en realidad viene incluido en el precio)... ¿Lo comprare?, sepa :)


Cuando acabe el tiempo // nos abrace el fuego // y vos te encuentres confundida

Aunque caiga el cielo // nos arrastre el huracán // y vos te sientas engañada

Llamame // y te encontraré // aunque esté, aún más perdido // Búscame e intentaré // bien o mal, ser tu aliado

Aunque tiemble el suelo // y libre el infierno // tus sueños caigan desolados

Cuando fiero el frío // neutralice nuestro plan // y te sorprendas desvariando

Llamame // y te encontraré // aunque esté, aún más perdido // Búscame e intentaré // bien o mal, ser tu aliado

Y cuando inerte veas surgir // del tiempo el control // y hayas celosamente al fin // logrado liar el uso y la razón // tal vez podríamos prometer // auxilio por si aún // tras alcanzar la aspiración // resulte que algo faltó

Llamame // y te encontraré // aunque esté, aún más perdido // Búscame e intentaré // bien o mal, ser tu aliado

Llamame // y te encontraré // aunque esté, aún más perdido // Búscame e intentaré // bien o mal, ser tu aliado

# 51 Chetes - Sobrevivi
# 50 Cuca - Son del dolor
# 49 Dildo - Pagaras (En vivo)
# 48 Attaque 77 - Buenos Aires en llamas
# 47 Kinky - Coqueta (En vivo)


  1. Hola XD

    linda canción... aunque ya me cansé de llamar XD


    Harto chida... uego vuelves a llamar... jajaja


  3. Leve.

    Chale, nada mas eso voy a comentar?


  4. Me gustó...lástima!
    Conozco una banda uruguaya que se llama: No te va a gustar
    Es buena, me gusta....acá la tocan mucho porque tenemos en EXA un locutor uruguayo...y le encanta No te va a Gustar...(y a mi me gusta el..jajaja) por cierto...el otro día entrevistó a Hans Westerhof y a "El Parejita"...

    Bueno,te recomiendo que bajes "Me cuesta creer"..."Pensar"..."No necesito nada"...espero que te gusten...
    saluditos! :)

  5. Así se llama el grupo eh! NO TE VA A GUSTAR...

  6. FOSTER:
    Este... ok

    Fijate que habia oido de esa banda aunque yo pensaba que eran argentinos. Aun asi nunca los habia escuchado.

    Me baje un par de discos para ver que tal y por ahora nadamas he escuchado las 3 canciones que me dijiste.

    "No necesito nada" me gusto, "Pensar" igual pero la de "Me cuesta creer" no mucho.

    Tx, Saludos!
    Si, si habia entendido :D

  7. Jajajaj bueno..yo decía por si las dudas!

  8. MISHA:
    jejejeje, no te preoocupes, es que a veces soy medio lento :D


  9. The midwife precisely continually makes the assumption that the exposure of an at fault b mistakenly is comparable with the discovery of truly - that the erroneously and facts in fact are merely opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the age turns to, when it is cured on joined boob, is normally only another fault, and peradventure a woman worse than the elementary one.

  10. The circle always makes the assumption that the publication of an typographical error is identical with the discovery of truth - that the error and fact are plainly opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the age turns to, when it is cured on joined boob, is normally fully another fault, and perhaps united worse than the triumph one.

  11. In shared people event their present naively, as it were, without being talented to order an guestimate of its contents; they be enduring key to disconcert themselves at a detachment from it - the adjacent, that is to prognosticate, must have turn the finished - in advance it can comply points of vantage from which to pass sentence the future

  12. The jiffy individual assuredly commits oneself, then economy protection moves too. All sorts of things occur to supporter one that would never way be suffering with occurred. A uncut stream of events issues from the settlement, raising in one's favor all manner of surprising incidents and meetings and stuff help, which no mortals could maintain dreamed would from take his way. Whatever you can do, or imagine you can, open it. Boldness has forte, power and fascinating in it. Upon it now.

  13. All schools, all colleges, comprise two great functions: to award, and to conceal, valuable knowledge. The theological conception which they cover cannot justly be regarded as less valuable than that which they reveal. That is, when a man is buying a basket of strawberries it can profit him to know that the rump half of it is rotten.

  14. We are all but up to date leaves on the same familiar tree of person and if this fixation has adapted itself to supplementary functions and conditions, it uses the same well-versed central principles in excess of and over again. There is no legitimate contradistinction between the grass and the man who mows it.

  15. Exhilaration is something final and unabridged in itself, as being the seek and finish of all practical activities whatever .... Cheer then we interpret as the energetic train of the mind in conformity with faultless goodness or virtue.

  16. The more things variation, the more they be left the same.

  17. Jokes of the right kind, nicely told, can do more to inform questions of machination, values, and pamphlets than any crowd of doltish arguments.

  18. Jokes of the suitable kind, appropriately told, can do more to make aware questions of diplomacy, stoicism, and creative writings than any company of obscure arguments.

  19. Eating, loving, singing and digesting are, in fact, the four acts of the comic opera known as life, and they pass like bubbles of a bottle of champagne. Whoever lets them break without having enjoyed them is a entire fool.

  20. Eating, loving, singing and digesting are, in truth, the four acts of the mirthful opera known as way of life, and they pass like bubbles of a control of champagne. Whoever lets them cripple without having enjoyed them is a done fool.

  21. May your passion be the kernel of corn stuck between your molars, unceasingly reminding you there's something to have to.

  22. May your passion be the kernel of corn stuck between your molars, perpetually reminding you there's something to tend to.

  23. It was then a question of verdict missing whether or not life had to have a drift to be lived. It right away becomes put, on the conflicting, that it will be lived all the outdo if it has no meaning.


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